Refund policy

SandGrabber will immediately refund any purchase in full if a refund request is received by us before your order has been shipped.

In the event that your order has already been shipped at the time we receive your refund request, part-refund is available provided that you return the item to our Sydney warehouse and the item we receive has not been used or damaged.  Your refund will be the purchase price of the returned item less the cost we incurred in delivering your order to you.


Return policy

Items purchased from are warranted for 90 days from the date of purchase against manufacturing defects or damage caused during delivery.

During the warranty period, SandGrabber will replace any parts that are deemed by us to have manufacturing defects or to have been delivered in unacceptable condition due to transit damage.  In this case, we will cover the costs of replacing your defective or damaged parts including delivery charges.

To make a refund or return enquiry, please email us promptly at

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